Αρχική » Ποζάρει και Δηλώνει: Εχθροί του αθλήματος πάντα υπήρχαν και πάντα θα υπάρχουν

Ποζάρει και Δηλώνει: Εχθροί του αθλήματος πάντα υπήρχαν και πάντα θα υπάρχουν

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Προβάλει τους μυώνες του, γιατί το κάνει;  Συμμετέχει σε ιατρικά συνέδρια περιστοιχιζόμενος από την καθεστηκυία ιατρική τάξη, και από την άλλη “πατά” διπλή πόζα δικεφάλων μπροστά στο καθρέπτη. Συνεργάστηκε με κορυφαίους πρωτεινάδες στην Ελλάδα που στόχο είχαν την μαρμίτα, έζησε την κουλτούρα με τα ποζαρίσματα τα στοχευμένα μπινέλικια τις “ευγένειες”, εμβάθυνε στην χημική κουλτούρα, γνώρισε χημικούς μελλοθάνατους αλλά και φιλόδοξους πρωταθλητές που γέρασαν. Στην άλλη πλευρά o bodybuilder – γιατρός Γιώργος Τουλιάτος  διαπραγματεύεται με χημικούς γκουρού,  φιλόδοξους νεαρούς που ηδονίζονται να χτυπούν αναβολικά στεροειδή, με σταφιδιασμένους  απο τον χρόνο και τα φάρμακα bodybuilders, αλλά και με σφριγηλούς bodybuilders του εξωτερικού. Συνεχίζει να ανταλλάσσει απόψεις με τους οπαδούς των μυών, συζητά μαζί τους, αλλά παράλληλα φροντίζει να γυμνάζεται και να ποζάρει ακόμη και σήμερα. [quote]Εχθροί του αθλήματος πάντα υπήρχαν και πάντα θα υπάρχουν. Αυτό το γεγονός όμως εμάς που αγαπάμε και υπηρετούμε το αγώνισμα μας ουσιαστικά μας οπλίζει με πείσμα, δύναμη και μεγαλύτερη δοτικότητα[/quote]


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Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη George Touliatos MD (@drgeorgetouliatos) στις


Ο ίδιος εξηγεί παρακάτω: 

διάβαζα χτες βράδυ ένα άρθρο του Official Muscular Development Magazine   στο οποίο ο συγγραφέας του Anabolics Book εξηγούσε τις αντιδράσεις του κόσμου σχετικά με το συγγραφικό του έργο. Εκείνος με σαφή τρόπο υποστήριξε ότι θέλει να είναι ο κόσμος ενημερωμένος πριν κάνει χρήση ΑΑΣ, ώστε οι αποφάσεις κάθε χρήστη να είναι υπεύθυνες με γνώμονα τις επιπτώσεις στην υγεία του. Ήθελε να χυθεί άπλετο φως στο σκοτεινό ημιμαθές τοπίο του dopping με γνώμονα την πρόληψη και τη γνώση που είναι δύναμη, ανέφερε χαρακτηριστικά ότι οι περισσότεροι τον κατηγόρησαν για εμπόριο ουσιών( συνταγογράφηση δε μπορεί να κάνει εφόσον δεν είναι ιατρός) και ότι προωθεί τη χρήση μέσα από τον τόμο του, κάτι που άκουσα κι εγώ από κομπλεξικούς μνησίκακους ζηλόφθονες αδαείς εκτός χώρου. Ήθελα να ήξερα πως θα ήταν τα πράγματα εάν δεν έβγαινε κάποτε εκείνο το βιβλίο το 2000,απο το οποίο έλαβα αρκετές πληροφορίες για να γίνω αυτό που είμαι σήμερα. Εχθροί του αθλήματος πάντα υπήρχαν και πάντα θα υπάρχουν. Αυτό το γεγονός όμως εμάς που αγαπάμε και υπηρετούμε το αγώνισμα μας ουσιαστικά μας οπλίζει με πείσμα, δύναμη και μεγαλύτερη δοτικότητα.


Εδώ η συνέντευξη στο Muscular Development Magazine

MD: What then was your inspiration for writing a reference text on anabolics? Given your age, one can only imagine that Dan Duchaine’s booklet, the Underground Steroid Handbook, must have been influential.
BL: More than influential. Reading Duchaine’s book was a life-turning event for me. Here I was, growing up during a time when steroids were a big public interest. The controlled substance laws for anabolics were just passed after a long media crusade against the drugs. All you heard was how deadly these things were. Here I am, this skinny kid, thinking about risking it anyway, but I decided to do some research first. And then I come across this book that presents an entirely different point of view, as if the medical community and media had it entirely wrong about steroids. It gave me this sense of being on the inside of something very important. It made me want to dig into the medical books for myself, so I could understand the subject the way he did. The more I read the more I wanted to read. As years went on, the more I read the more I felt compelled to write.
MD: The first edition then was printed in 2000; how well was it received by your intended audience and those outside the muscle-sports demographic? That year was somewhat of a low point in the publishing industry, as the all-natural movement was strong and a strong push against anabolics had just been completed by the DEA. Not surprisingly, the introduction of the Bush administration and the anti-doping message that is promoted about every summer Olympic Games had also heightened the negative public stance toward performance enhancement.
BL: The bodybuilding community responded really well to the book. Sales were immediately far better than I had imagined they would be, and people were generally very happy with it, I think. It really was an amazing time in my life. The book may just have filled an important demand. I was in the right place at the right time, maybe. Those outside of the bodybuilding and sports world have always been mixed about it. Some understand that I am only trying to provide important information so that people can make informed decisions; information the medical community should be focusing on but is not. Many physicians actually buy it every year, and I’m even invited to lecture on the subject at times. Others just look at it as a book that promotes steroid abuse. The recent Mitchell Report on steroid use in baseball even had some choice words about it. This is exactly the last thing I am trying to promote with ANABOLICS, of course.
MD: What were some of the early surprises and challenges you encountered with that first edition?
BL: There were small road bumps and things to get used to being “the steroid guy” to your friends and family, and people who would assume I also must be a steroid dealer. But honestly, the biggest challenge I faced was a legal battle over the copyright with my former publisher. It was a disgusting mess. My wife and I had just been married. She lost her job when her company closed, and all of our income was suddenly cut off. We were living solely off of our wedding gifts. I had to start off not only my time in this industry with this book, but my new marriage with an enormously expensive legal battle in federal court over the ownership of my own work. I won’t get into the details, but it was a long and ugly road that eventually worked out to my satisfaction. It taught me to be prepared to fight for what is mine in this industry.
MD: After that kind of baptism, many people may have folded up the tents and walked. Did you find yourself more driven to write the second edition or less intrepid? BL: Honestly, I would have been on the street if I didn’t write the second book. I needed the money desperately. So I just did it. I didn’t have time to think about much else. MD: Since that time, you have sold hundreds of thousands of copies, and likely have been read in part or in whole by millions. How has the book evolved over time?
BL: Yes, definitely. I feel an enormous pressure to keep readers happy with the latest book. I can’t do that unless I substantially overhaul it each and every time. To give you some perspective, the 2000 edition only had about 200 pages, was all black-and-white, and had a handful of medical references. The latest ninth edition (2009) has about 1,000 pages, 3,000 color photographs, and over 900 medical citations. I really put my heart and soul into this latest update. And many readers have been enormously helpful by keeping me up on details in local markets. This edition is the most extensive overhaul of the book yet. I trust people are really going to notice the changes this year.


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