Αρχική » Τουλιάτος το Αμερικάνικο όνειρο! 

Τουλιάτος το Αμερικάνικο όνειρο! 

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Στην σελίδα του muscular development usa (MD) o Γιώργος Τουλιάτος δηλώνει:  Χάρη στους φίλους μου, εκπλήρωσα το αμερικάνικο όνειρο! 

O γιατρός και bodybuilder στην συνέντευξη του αναφέρει πως ο Steve Blechman αρχισυντάκτης και ιδιοκτήτης του Muscular Development, πίστεψε στις δυνατότητές του και πριν από τέσσερα χρόνια του έδωσε μια ευκαιρία ζωής.  Ταυτόχρονα τον ονόμασε Δόκτορα Τεστοστερόνη!  

Ο Τουλιάτος που στην συνέντευξη ευχαριστεί τους φίλους του στις ΗΠΑ, κάνει ιδιαίτερη αναφορά στον δικηγόρο της κοινότητας του fitness Rick Collins, που τον αγκάλιασε από την πρώτη φορά που γνωρίστηκαν πριν από έξι χρόνια.
Μέσω της αλληλεπίδρασης τους στο διαδίκτυο δημιουργήθηκε μια σχέση εμπιστοσύνης και σεβασμού, όπως και με τον Ron Harris,  τον διαδικτυακό συντάκτη και  συγγραφέα του περιοδικού Muscular Development, ο Harris ήταν αυτός που «ενέκρινε» τα βιβλία του και αργότερα τα συνέστησε στον εκδότη Steve Blechman. Παράλληλα ο Τουλιάτος δεν ξεχνά και τον Bill Llewellyn, συγγραφέα των βιβλίων Anabolics books που τον ανακάλυψε διαδικτυακά και αμέσως μετά τον τίμησε να γίνει συνεργάτης του στην ιστοσελίδα του.

DrT arrticle 82422



Thanks to My Friends, I Fulfilled the American Dream

By George Touliatos, MD


Q: Dr T, who are the people who have influenced you in your international career?

A: First of all, I owe a lot to the editor-in-chief and owner of Muscular Development, Steve Blechman. He believed in my potential four years ago and gave me an opportunity of a lifetime. He named me Dr. Testosterone and the rest is history. I grabbed the chance and worked hard. America is the land of opportunities and where dreams come true if you believe in them. Twenty years ago while I was reading the magazine in Greece, I couldn’t even imagine in my wildest dreams that someday I’d be a columnist and have my own show. I’m deeply thankful to him. I met Steve at the Mr. Olympia in 2019 and the Arnold Classic in 2020.

Second, my best friend in USA and the legal boss of bodybuilding, attorney-at-law Rick Collins. The powerful lawyer of the fitness community, who embraced me from the first time we met six years ago. Rick Collins, Esq. is the only person that I have met all the times that I visited the States – the Arnold Classic in 2016, 2020 and 2022 and the Mr. Olympia in 2019. We later interacted online a lot and there was a relationship of trust and respect established. Rick opened the window to me for the Arnold Education seminars and the rest is history. As we speak, our third Arnold Education is about to be set up for next March. While the first Mr. Olympia educational is also taking place this December. Both Rick and Steve have been guests on my weekly show on musculardevelopment.com


Third, Ron Harris, online editor and senior writer for Muscular Development magazine. Ron is the man who “approved” my books and later recommend them to Steve Blechman. Ron and myself have established a history on YouTube with178 episodes so far, straight, without missing one single week, since March of 2019! Answering thousands of questions and one interview that became editorial in the magazine (June 2022). Ron and myself have met three times so far at the Mr. Olympia and the Arnold Classic in 2019, 2020, 2022. We’ve had numerous VIP guests from the bodybuilding community on our shows including Mr. Olympia and Arnold Classic winner Brandon Curry, former Mr. Olympia Samir Bannout, the first Arnold Classic winner, Rich Gaspari, legendary fitness persona, the ageless Mike O’Hearn, Milos “the Mind” Sarcev, George Farah, the Pro Maker, Anabolics author, William Llewellyn, Arnold Classic champion Victor Martinez, and The Anabolic Doc, Thomas O’Connor, MD.

Fourth, Bill Llewellyn, author of the Anabolics books, CEO of Molecular Nutrition, ROIDTEST™ founder and longtime columnist for Muscular Development. William discovered me online and soon after he honored me to become his associate on his website. Later he offered me a lifetime opportunity to become medical contributor in his latest Anabolics book, 11th edition, published 2017. I met him in 2019 and we had a blast in Colorado. I’m honored to be part of his masterpiece. Basically this collaboration made me to be an authority in the field of ergogenics and has been an asset for my curriculum vitae (CV).

I’m feeling blessed to be a friend of these four men who also belong to the MD family. My American dream has been fulfilled and I’m looking forward to seeing all of them soon.


Work hard, never give up, and love what you do. Success is a matter of time. Success is a ladder, where there’s no elevator to take. You can’t climb the stairs of success with your hands in your pockets. Dream big and let the sky be your limit. Stay hungry.

George Touliatos, MD is an author, lecturer, champion competitive bodybuilder and expert in medical prevention regarding PED use in sports. Dr. Touliatos specializes in medical biopathology and is the medical associate of Orthobiotiki.gr and Medihall.gr, Age Management and Preventive Clinics in Athens, Greece. Heis the author of four Greek books on bodybuilding, has extensively developed articles for www.anabolic.org and is the medical associate for the book “Anabolics, 11th Edition” (2017). Dr. Touliatos has been a columnist for the Greek editions of MuscleMag and Muscular Development magazines, and has participated in several seminars across Greece and Cyprus, making numerous TV and radio appearances, and doing interviews in print and online. His personal website is https://gtoul.com/

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